Monday, July 22, 2013

My First Triathlon

Before the NJ State Olympic distance Triathlon I had never competed in a swim, bike, or triathlon race.  I also sort of fell of the wagon with training and my last ride was about 1 month before the race.  When I ride my bike, I fall a lot (like almost every time I stop) and I'm scared of cars, so I just sort of found excuses to not go out for rides. I might have gone into this race, not fully realizing what I was about to step into.   I've run competitively for 18 years, I've run a difficult could this be?   I found out the answer about 400 meters into my 1500 swim.  I felt like I couldn't breathe, and I was gasping for air with every stroke.  Even though I was working really hard, I felt like I was falling behind.  There were people all around me, feet in my face, and I didn't know where to go.  I felt like I had already gone SO FAR and I was only 400 meters in!!  I wanted to quit...but I don't quit.  I rationed with myself to ease up, relax, and to focus on your stroke.  I did that, and then I started to realize I was beginning to pass people, and I was no longer being passed, and I felt good.  I found my rythmn and I was ok. 

Swim:  28:31

When I got out of the water, still breathing so heavily, I couldn't believe I wasn't done with the race and that I still had to bike and run!  I was so tired from the swim, my breathing was heavy as I ran back to the transition area, but at least I was out of the water.  When I got to my rack, which was assigned according to age group, I realized that almost everyone else's bikes were still there.  That was good.  It meant my swim went well.   I got to my bike and ran back out.

T1: 2:31

 It took me a bit to mount my bike because I am slightly challenged with getting on and off my bike.  I need to practice that.   As I began my ride, the negative thoughts began to creep back in my mind.  "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"  I couldn't believe I was going to have to ride two 11 mile loops.  I was barely off the first road, and I felt so tired and thirsty.  I tried to grab my water bottle, but with every attempt, I felt like I was losing my balance was going to fall.  I wasn't going to be able to drink during the ride without falling, so I decided to wait.  So thirsty.  Just after I was thinking about how terrible it was, my teammate Caitlin rode by and had some encouraging words and said Good Job.  That helped.  Yeah, this is fun, this is a race, you have a team, you did a good job on the swim, RACE!  My mind got back in it and I started to pass people.  I kept having to remind myself not to relax too much.  I feel like on the bike, it can be tempting to just cruise.  It reminds me of the longer distance running races when you need to keep reminding yourself to run fast and not relax too much.  Then along came Maureen on her 2nd loop and she reminded me to pedal like I run.  That was really helpful!  I have fast turnover and I can use that.  Once I finished the first bike loop, I was excited and I think I really picked up the pace for my 2nd loop knowing that I was almost there.  One thing I could really work on with the bike is the turns.  I am really bad at the turns, I slow down and brake and am scared I am going to fall, probably because of my balance issue, and I sincerely apologize to anyone who was unlucky enough to be behind me on any turns.   As I came down the last straightaway for the bike I was SO EXCITED, until I remembered that I was going to have to stop.  The last couple times I ended my ride, I fell, clipped in, and it really hurts.   As I approached the dismount area, with a look of fear on my face, I said "I am going to fall.  I always fall!"  Great, now I had an audience, and everyone could watch me fall.....but miraculously I didn't fall.  That was a small victory for me. 

Bike: 1:04:19 (21 mph)
Now it was time to go to transition for the run!  My favorite part.  BUT I WAS SO THIRSTY, since I still hadn't had anything to drink since about an hour before the race.  When I arrived at transition, I decided to use some of my time to hydrate.  I probably spent a lot of extra time drinking my gatorade.  I really need to learn to grab my water bottle while moving on the bike.

T2:  1:38

 I started to run.  Wow, it really hurt.  I am a runner.  This is supposed to be the fun part.  I felt like I was shuffling along and jogging.  I was getting chills and goosebumps, which are the first signs of heat exhaustion.  I felt like I couldn't take a deep breathe.  I've never been as good at racing in the heat, but I know that if I am struggling I can ease up my pace and make it through.  I had brief thoughts of giving up, just as I did in both the beginning of the swim and bike, but I felt like I had a good swim and bike.  I can't give up on my best event!  Even if I eased up, I knew it would still be faster than most of the other competitors.  Despite feeling like I was going to die, I kept passing people, and nobody passed me.  At the first water stop, I thought water might help, but when I tried to chug while running I starting choking on it.  As the chills and goosebumps grew worse, I knew I needed fluids.  At the following water stops, I stopped running and drank.  The only other time I can remember feeling this bad in a race is when I ran in the women's pro start of the 2004 NYC Marathon, went out way too fast and died the last 10 miles.  I went into that race unprepared, undertrained, and ignorant to what I was about to put my body through.   Similar to today!  This 10k run felt like the last 6 miles of a poorly paced marathon.  PAIN!  But I was passing people!  I usually pick it up the second half of a 10k, but that wasn't going to happen.  This wasn't the usual 10k race.  Normally, I have a kick ass kick the last 1/2 mile, but that wasn't happening today either.  With 200 meters to go, I knew I could finally give it my all, and I sprinted it in.  I have never been so proud of myself for finishing a race. 

Run: 40:10  (6:29 pace)- I felt slow, but I must have been running a lot faster than I realized.  Miraculously, I somehow ran the fastest female time of the the day!

Total Time: 2:17:09 and 3rd in my age group.

Afterthoughts:  As of 8PM after the race, I am shuffling around like an 80 year old woman.  Muscles I didn't know I even had are sore.  My knee hurts, my body aches, I have at least 7 blisters on my feet (why did I think not wearing socks was a brilliant idea?).  I can't wait to do it again.

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